Israel National Cyber Directorate - מערך הסייבר הלאומי

Israel Maritime Cybersecurity Summit (IMCS) 2021- Registration

The first Israel Maritime Cybersecurity Summit will take place during Cyber Week, the leading international cybersecurity conference hosted by the Blavatnik ICRC at Tel Aviv University.



IMCS is a multi-disciplinary summit that brings together private, public and academic stakeholders, focused on increasing cyber resilience in the maritime ecosystem.



In-person attendance is highly recommended, plus the event will be broadcasted LIVE online.

* Fields marked with an asterisk are required

Full name:

Attendance Type:

Passport Number OR Israeli ID:





Phone number:

I agree to receive updates regarding the Israel Maritime Cybersecurity Summit (IMCS) 2021

I agree to receive updates regarding the Israel Maritime Cybersecurity Summit (IMCS) 2021

I confirm that my personal details will be transferred to the organizers of Cyber Week 2021

I confirm that my personal details will be transferred to the organizers of Cyber Week 2021

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