משרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפר

Survey on Control & Management of Free-Roaming Cats

Free-roaming cats (Also known as ‘stray cats’ or ‘community cats’) are common throughout Israel, especially in the urban environment, with an estimated population of over a million cats. Extensive studies conducted in Israel and around the world found that there is no single ‘magical solution’ for reducing/regulating the number of free-roaming cats.

These days, the Department of Animal Welfare (Ministry of Agriculture) is heading a public participation & consultation process, aimed at examining solutions and developing a structured policy in the matter. To this end, we are interested in hearing from the general public – to understand your views on the subject and receive comments regarding possible solutions.

The following survey is anonymous and short. We would appreciate it if you could spend a few minutes answering it.

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